This is document ajfe in the Knowledge Base If your document is in Print Layout view and the top and bottom margins appear to be cut off, the option for hiding margins has been switched on. If you don't see the icon, from the View menu, choose Toolbars, and then check Standard. In Word for Mac OS X, click the paragraph icon in the Standard toolbar. In Word for Windows, on the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click the paragraph icon. (For the purposes of MS Word, a paragraph occurs every time you hit the. However, the default formatting provided by most standard Microsoft Word software packages often inserts extra spacing before and after paragraphs. Thanks anyway, for your kind assistance throughout the document, with no extra space above or below the title of the paper or between paragraphs (WR. Your link just show some other things and it is not for Word Mac. When doing this we don't see the header/footer space. I ask to HIDE the gap between pages so that we can see the body texts of one page connect to that of the next page. Home Microsoft word not showing spaces mac